The ZIO is Source Audio’s first all-analog pedal, and includes a choice of 4 distinct preamp circuits, each with up to 20dB of additional output boost.
It's designed to take a guitar’s high impedance signal, sweeten the tone with any of its four preamp circuits, and output a strong, low impedance signal that won’t be altered by the buffered dry tones of effects pedals further down the signal chain.
The ZIO will “Make Everything Sound Better!”

Features & Specs
Circuit knob with four distinct preamp circuits: JFET (transparent, flat frequency curve), LOW-CUT (cuts lows without affecting mid to high frequencies), STUDIO (replicates “Pultec Trick” equalization), E-PLEX (inspired by the preamp in an vintage Echoplex Tape Delay unit)
High quality components and Burr Brown JFET op-amps
Output control with up to +20dB of signal boost
3-way Tone toggle switch with bright/medium/dark cable capacitance voicing
2-way Footswitch Action toggle switch (with always-on “Mute” option)
Extra Tuner/Line Output
True Bypass
Input Impedance: 1 Mega Ohm (1 MΩ)
Output Impedance: 150 Ohm (150 Ω)
Power Consumption: 9V DC center negative @ 20mA
Brushed anodized aluminum housing
Dimensions: L: 4.1 in./10.5cm x W: 2.36 in./6cm x H: 2.22 in./5.65cm (including knobs)
Contact Piers Contact Bob
07727 817686 07929 040203
pierswalmisley@gmail.com bobpedrick@gmail.com